San diego gay bars

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There’s truly not a bad time to visit San Diego, which averages about 265 days with sunshine annually, but LGBTQ visitors might want to mark their calendars for mid-July, the time for the annual-and well-attended- San Diego Pride Festival. Whether you’re here to celebrate a special occasion or simply to relax amid 70 miles of breezy beaches, explore leafy Balboa Park and its iconic zoo and museums, or partake of the hip and lively shopping, dining, and nightlife scenes around such diverse and trendy neighborhoods as Hillcrest, North Park, Little Italy, Barrio Logan, and the Gaslamp Quarter, here are some tips on making the most of your time in San Diego.Ĭheck out the website of San Diego Tourism Authority for more trip-planning advice and details, and also take a look at the organization’s extremely helpful LGBTQ Travel section. Because the weather is consistently warm and sunny, it’s also become hugely popular for gay weddings, from lavish celebrations to simple but sophisticated elopements and smaller destination weddings. California’s second-largest city ranks among the most beloved seaside destinations in North America for year-round beach vacations, and with a large and vibrant LGBTQ community, San Diego also offers plenty to see and do for gay travelers.

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